Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blog 21 Summary and Responding to "The New Industrial Migrants" Part I and II

Summary and Responding to "The New Industrial Migrants" Part I

The New Industrial Migrants (Part I) Summary and Response
The article by Eric Schlosser shows how meatpacking jobs are run by immigrants and have a high turnover rate. He clearly stated how many workers at the plant can not even speak English. Most are immigrants who live in trailers not too far from their work place. Schlosser mentions that the pay at the slaughter house is 1/3 lower than what it use to be some forty years ago when they opened. The difference is they have health insurance after six months of employment and vacation pay. Most workers won’t be able to take vacation. Due to the fact they will be fired or laid off before the year is up.

(Speak about turnover rate………the case and how he responded to the question while being interrogated)……………………………Under Construction!!!!!!!!!!!! plus respond to article

blog 20 Reflection of Food Unit

Under construction

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blog 19

Blog 19.

The advice I will take from Pollan’s tips to eating better is to avoid foods that have ingredients that Im not familiarized with. I would definitely stay away from the middle isle in the supermarkets. I really didn’t notice that the foods in the middle isles are processed. I will make sure to stay away and stick to the walls of the supermarket with the fresh foods. Another good advice that I will conceder is cooking. Instead of buying foods that’s already cooked I will take the time to prepare myself foods that are healthy.
I would implement the cooking first. That would stop me from buying fast foods. I don’t see myself gardening no time soon. But planting would be a nice wish. But I live in Harlem and I don’t have a back yard where I can plant vegetables. It’s a nice thought but impossible at the moment.

Blog 18

Blog 18

Where the whale be at? by Terry J Cole is very interesting. I was intrigued by my findings in this article. Mr. Cole being a English teacher and who specialize in African American Literature discovered that whites and blacks are still being segregated. Segregated in a way that you couldn’t even imagine.
BY the foods they consume. This article states that blacks are not treated equal. He mentions when a black person is sick and about to die, the doctors are less likely to let him live. It mentions that in certain areas depending on the community the actual medicine is less effective than the medication in urban areas.
Cole mentions that supermarkets in preliminary white areas have more healthy foods. Also states that there are more supermarkets in the white communities than African American.


Blog 16

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog 15

The Meatrix is a short cartoon film describing the process that animals go through in meat packing factories. The first short film describes how many farm lands are being destroyed due to Factory Farming Corp. It shows us how a lot of animals are being treated. Chickens are being de beaked because they are housed in such cruel environments that they bite each other. By the chickens biting each other it causes germs that affect the surrounding animals. Most of the animals are being injected with antibiotic resistant germs. Most of these farming factories are causing pollution. Too much manure is being processed and nowhere to be dumped, which is causing our waters to be polluted.

The Meatrix Revolting tells us how factories operate. Anyone that is not familiar with the way these factory work would believe that all animals are treated fairly. The reality of this is that most cows are being treated unfairly. They live in unhealthy conditions, are being fed growth hormones, and antibiotics to heal them. Baby cows are being fed blood from the dead. This can cause mad cow disease.

The Meatrix II ½ elaborates on how factories process there meats. Factories can process up to 5,000 cows a day. Workers at the factory are endangering their workers. By processing there meats at a fast pace workers are being injured. Most factories feel that the workers are expendable. The factories only concern is profits.
The film clearly describes how society is starting to take charge against Dairy farming. Society is starting to purchase healthier foods.

Family Farming Are Making A Come back

Due to industrial agriculture which pollutes communities, family farms are making a comeback. In the recent years there has been an overwhelming increase in small family farms. The world is finally coming together to help and support small family farms.

In the article “Family Farms” it states that Chefs, food lovers, citizens, parents and activists are joining forces to help small farmers. Industrial agriculture operations have been polluting our farm land with chemical pesticides, noxious fumes and excess manure. The small farmer’s goal is to preserve their communities and the environment. Small farmers are using farming techniques to protect our resources and our health.
The world is going back to healthy and organic foods, small farmers have the advantage to produce most of our healthy foods. The article shows us that there are organizations that help small farmers. Such as, Slow foods, Heritage Foods USA, New England Heritage Breeds Conservancy and Chefs Collaborative. These organizations main focus is to promote locally grown healthy foods.

Since everyone nowadays are starting to eat healthy and buy organic foods its helping our small farmers to reopen there farmland and cultivate health foods. This is a huge come back that will help our environment and help generate new business for our small farmers.