Monday, April 4, 2011

Post 11

Topic 1: The perfect world versus the real world (Google Groups question 1)
Cristoff creates what he considers a “perfect world” for Truman to live “happily ever after.”
Would you choose to live in Cristoff’s world?
Why or why not?
What does the world Cristoff has created tell us about our own society?
What problems from our society does Christoff seem to want to solve, or “eliminate” for Truman?
What problems does he leave in Truman’s world? Please use specific details from the film to support your answer.

1.I would Choose to live in Cristoff’s world because everything is innocent. Seems that in Cristoff’s world there is no malice or any delinquent tendencies. By any means necessary Truman was protected…

2.At the same time would I be comfortable with people lying to me. Obviously if you don’t know the truth sometimes you won’t feel the pain of being lied to.

3. We live based on lies. And while growing up and maturing we keep noticing that our world is not as perfect as it seems to be. Its easy to manipulate s person based on lies. That we was once innocent until we were able to realize the truth. Once we noticed the truth about society instead of us making changes for the better we continue to accept the malice. We lost that innocent self in our lives.

4. Christoff wants to eliminate him from “learning” that the outside world is not perfect. He wants him to stay innocent. So that he wont learn the wrong doing that our society lives by. Examples Accidents, infidelity, corruption, and homelessness.

5. The problem he left in Truman’s world was deceive. In one of the scenes he walks into an elevator and tries to use it. The elevator was actually a set of the community. Instead of it being real it was put there to deceive Truman into thinking its real.

Carolina & Julio.......We had problems doing the work so we tried team work.

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