Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 10 Reflection on Skills.

Dr. X class has been really helpful. I believe my skills have improved in annotating, summarizing, thesis-based writing and paragraphing. At first I said to myself how did I fail the test? By these for methods I noticed that I didn’t know much pertaining to writing. It basically opened my eyes. Just like Socrates “Allegory of the Cave”. Yes, I’m blinded by the light
I noticed that I did acquire these skills. I re-read some of the blogs that I written in the beginning of Dr. X class and realize my mistakes.

The only skill that I need to improve or is unclear to me is the thesis-based writing. The format seems to confuse me. The claim I understand.  The thesis statement for the first sentence is what’s confusing me. I guess I have to read it over again or have Dr. X explain it to me.

My confidence on basic writing has improved. When I write I try my best to stay focused on the topic. At the beginning I use to carry on. Now I re-read before I submit my blogs and make any corrections if needed. I still got a lot to work on. By the time the semester is over I believe I will be ready to take the CAT.

At first I thought that posting blogs was a waste of time. I was thinking that it was a joke getting on the computer for class. Looking back I’m noticing how Dr. X’s method of teaching is real helpful. Thank you Dr. X, for helping me walk out of the Cave.  

Blog 9 Reflecting on Paragraphing.

1.What have you learned from the paragraphing class?
Unfortunately I was not able to attend the class, but I signed on and took the time to read the assignment. I found the sandwich concept really helpful. Top slice. Main Idea. Middle, the filling/juicy details. And the bottom slice concluding idea.

2. How do you know that you have learned it?

Dr.X gave us that sandwich method. Hard to forget just make a sandwich. I'm hungry. I wont ever forget that. lol

3. Can you describe how you learned it?

I will just make me a sandwich when I take the test. Just have to make sure I don't forget what each slice represent.

4. What helped your learning? What made it difficult?

The vivid picture. I guess I learn better when I see it. Rather than speaking about it. Its that normal Dr.X
Its not difficult at all. Well we will see once I take the test.

5. How do you feel after today's class? 

Even though I was not In class, I noticed that I learn better on my own. No distractions 

    Blog 8 "I Know the Truth..."

    Jeffrey Kluger article “I know the truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts” is a very interesting article. I never had time to acknowledge how us humans can be easily deceived by rumors and flat out lies.
    Two assistant professors of communications at Ohio State University named R.Kelly Garrett, and Erik Nisbet recruited 750 people that were familiarized with rumors about proposed Islamic cultural center. Their main objective was if they exposed the facts of the case would change peoples’ opinion and if they do, how would the facts be presented. Both professors were astound on how easily it was to change their minds by insinuating pictures and lies.
    Know a day’s people tend to believe anything. Instead of taking the time out to weight their options we normally go by what sounds good. The sad thing about it is that there is not that many honest people left. I guess what humanity is worried about is getting over on each other. Where do we find people with ethics? Do we find it in our families? Can we trust our families enough to believe what they tell us? Or do we live our lives giving people a trial period that would confirm what they have mentioned to us? I think it’s too much mind power wasted. Having to think and find it inside of you to trust or believe someone.
    I learned to live my life by my instincts. Believe it or not we all have a self-conscious. I read a book titled “El Poder De La Mente Subconsciente” by Joseph Murphy. In this book it teaches how to relax the mind and exercise the self-conscious. By doing so, you will make the right decisions in life. I use my self conscious to weave away the lies and deceitful people around me. 
    A good example was when I went out to purchase a watch. I was all day shopping and didn’t want to spend a lot of money. So I bumped into a street watch sales person. He had the sales pitch, and the watch I wanted. So I just paid attention to him. At first I approached him with my eye brows raised. When he noticed that I was paying attention to him speak, the sales pitch got better. Once I lowered my eyebrows. He realized that I was on to his scheme. I just smiled. Eventually he just walked away. I owe that all to my self-conscious.  I’m glad to say, “I know the truth, So Don’t Bother Me With Facts”.   

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Blog 7: Reflecting on Thesis-based Writing.

    Today I learned the difference between the CAT test and a thesis statement. With the CAT test I must have a claim which is an argument that I have to prove. A thesis statement is also a claim but I have to explain. I need to have a list of reasons to support my claim. Each reason must have a paragraph for itself explains the reason why. To me it’s a little confusing but as long as I keep a format in mind for the essay, I think I will be able to pass.  

    Blog 6

    1.One idea or person I thought would be true, and learned that they also lie were family members. I figured that since we are related, their should be respect and anything passed on to me would be true. But I later find out that it was all a lie.
      It made me stronger. I realized that I didn't need my family to tell me what things are true and what are not true. I don't just go by what others tell me. I learned it the hard way from a family member. 

    2. The tooth fairy. I really believed that someone would come into your bedroom and exchange your tooth with money. I learned it wasn't true when I didn't mention to my mother my tooth fell out.I placed it under the mattress. Days past with no money and the tooth under my pillow.

    Blog 5 The Allegory of the Cave

    In Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” Socrates tells a story to Glaucon about a cave. Where men are shackled from their necks and aren’t able to move their heads. Socrates mentions that there is a burning fire behind them. The only thing the chained men can see is the shadows of people, things that are passing by behind them. They were in this position for so long that these shadows become reality for them.
              One of the men was released and was able to leave the cave. At first he had to adjust his eyes to the bright sun. All those years in the cave made his eyes hurt when he walked into the light.  He was accustomed to the shadow and was not use to reality. His reality was the shadows. It was simple for them.
              When he returned to the cave to tell his experience the other chained men felt that he should be killed.
    This story reflects on the lives these men were use to. When taken out of there element, they felt a feeling of empowerment. Able to acquire more knowledge of the life outside the cave. Or in some cases it’s sometimes better if you don’t know or find out information because you might not want to accept it.

    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Blog 4 Revison of Hype

    The article by called “Hype” by, Kalle Lasen gives us a broader view on how advertisements are basically a part of our lives. From waking up, until late hours of the night, we constantly see commercials or ads posted all around us. With the turn of the century ads slowly entered our lives. We use to see ads only on buses, trains, and billboards. The excerpt mentions that an estimated 12 billion display adds, 3 million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 TV commercials are viewed by Americans unconsciously.   

    Lasen also exposes the ads when you drive through the countryside. You can actually see the wheat fields while you drive and see a billboard placed in the middle of the field

    Pepsi and Snickers have ads in a classroom. To attract
    our kids. When we go food shopping theirs ads placed in the shopping carts so that we can see them while we shop for our groceries.   
                 His article made me realize all the advertisements around me.  Most ads were posted on the bus, on the train, even at the gas station. I did relate because there was a Red Bull ad on the nozzle. Everywhere you turn your head to, your eyes will only notice an ad. They are marketing companies that put out miniature monitors. It’s stressed in the article that it is the “Most powerful micromarketing medium available today”.  
                Lasn most important idea from this passage is how these advertisements pollute our minds. Everywhere we turn too we are not safe from ads. It’s a marketing tool that company's use to sell their products. Marketing makes the consumer aware of new products so that we can go out and purchase them. We might find ourselves buying a product and not knowing why we purchased it. But the color, logo, or even a fragrance might just be the key to unconsciously making us spend money.

    I feel and truly understand the importance it is to promote and market your company. It’s a sign of accomplishment when Kalle Lasn noticed the article “Hype” in Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture.
    What it means to me is the only way to maintain a successful  Business you must market and promote. This article is basically giving me advice on how where to place my ads and how to catch peoples eye. Seems like I need to put a logo or a picture that represents my company in odds places so that the general public will be able to relate and later on in the future connect the logo to the person.

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    Blog 3 : Reflecting on Summary

    Jeffrey Kluger article “I know the truth, So Don’t Bother Me With Facts” explains how humans can be  easily deceived by rumors.
    He reveals A research that was conducted at Ohio State university that determines how lies are believed and how can you change a person’s opinion on believing them.
    Professor R. Kelly and Erik Nisbet’s study showed Kluger how easy people can change their beliefs by a simple picture or a quote. He also realized how people were ready to change their beliefs with contradicting evidence.
    Kluger states that Garret’s studies showed the recruits information that contradicts what they thought was true, and they respond by "sticking to their biases even more strongly." Which shows how us humans don't like to be told when we're wrong.
    Jeffrey Kluger advises us that regardless of the studies made, it depends on how we process facts and how we make decisions on the information we receive.

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Blog 2

    • What did you get from thinking about annotations with the class? 
    • What did you get from writing annotations for "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" with your partner?
    • What did you learn about the reading by annotating it?
    • How may annotating make you a better writer?

    The advanrtage of annotating with the class made realize the diffrent point of view each student has. I was also able to disect each paragraph and really bring out other ideas by difineing certain words like; imaginable, attentive,concentration, and thoughts. All these words relate to the brain.

    A good point that I was able to notice about my partner and I is that I also think that Google Is making us shallow. But to my partner google is actually a way of living. Meaning In order for her to concentrate she needs to be bombarded with info. I guess the new era we live in.

    What I learned with Jennifer was that most of the information she annotated could relate to my annotating.
    So we basically picked out and had the same point of view

    When I first went through the passage i didnt fully understood what the article was about. After i took the time to annotate, I understood the actual study and mind set of Kelly Garret and Erik Nisbet

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    blog 1

    The article by called “Hype” by, Kalle Lasen gives us a broader view on how advertisements are basically a part of our lives. From waking up, until late hours of the night, we constantly see commercials or ads posted all around us. The excerpt mentions that an estimated 12 billion display adds, 3 million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 TV commercials are viewed by Americans unconsciously.         
                It’s interesting how Pepsi and Snickers have ads in a classroom. To me that’s very smart marketing. If a child constantly see's the ad every day, they will eventually ask their mother to buy one or grow up with that unconscious feeling to buy one. 
                 Lasn's article made me realize all the advertisements around me. On the bus, on the train, even at the gas station. I did relate because there was a Red Bull ad on the nozzle. It also gave me the impression that my car was being gassed up by Red Bull and it would later on in the day grow wings and fly over traffic. Funny.
                Kalle Lasn most important idea from this passage is how these advertisements pollute our minds. I understand what she means. It’s a marketing tool that company's use to sell their products. Marketing makes the consumer aware of new products so that we can go out and purchase them. We might find ourselves buying a product and not knowing why we purchased it. But the color, logo, or even a fragrance might just be the key to unconsciously making us spend money.