Monday, March 21, 2011

Blog 4 Revison of Hype

The article by called “Hype” by, Kalle Lasen gives us a broader view on how advertisements are basically a part of our lives. From waking up, until late hours of the night, we constantly see commercials or ads posted all around us. With the turn of the century ads slowly entered our lives. We use to see ads only on buses, trains, and billboards. The excerpt mentions that an estimated 12 billion display adds, 3 million radio commercials, and more than 200,000 TV commercials are viewed by Americans unconsciously.   

Lasen also exposes the ads when you drive through the countryside. You can actually see the wheat fields while you drive and see a billboard placed in the middle of the field

Pepsi and Snickers have ads in a classroom. To attract
our kids. When we go food shopping theirs ads placed in the shopping carts so that we can see them while we shop for our groceries.   
             His article made me realize all the advertisements around me.  Most ads were posted on the bus, on the train, even at the gas station. I did relate because there was a Red Bull ad on the nozzle. Everywhere you turn your head to, your eyes will only notice an ad. They are marketing companies that put out miniature monitors. It’s stressed in the article that it is the “Most powerful micromarketing medium available today”.  
            Lasn most important idea from this passage is how these advertisements pollute our minds. Everywhere we turn too we are not safe from ads. It’s a marketing tool that company's use to sell their products. Marketing makes the consumer aware of new products so that we can go out and purchase them. We might find ourselves buying a product and not knowing why we purchased it. But the color, logo, or even a fragrance might just be the key to unconsciously making us spend money.

I feel and truly understand the importance it is to promote and market your company. It’s a sign of accomplishment when Kalle Lasn noticed the article “Hype” in Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture.
What it means to me is the only way to maintain a successful  Business you must market and promote. This article is basically giving me advice on how where to place my ads and how to catch peoples eye. Seems like I need to put a logo or a picture that represents my company in odds places so that the general public will be able to relate and later on in the future connect the logo to the person.

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