Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog 8 "I Know the Truth..."

Jeffrey Kluger article “I know the truth, So Don’t Bother Me with Facts” is a very interesting article. I never had time to acknowledge how us humans can be easily deceived by rumors and flat out lies.
Two assistant professors of communications at Ohio State University named R.Kelly Garrett, and Erik Nisbet recruited 750 people that were familiarized with rumors about proposed Islamic cultural center. Their main objective was if they exposed the facts of the case would change peoples’ opinion and if they do, how would the facts be presented. Both professors were astound on how easily it was to change their minds by insinuating pictures and lies.
Know a day’s people tend to believe anything. Instead of taking the time out to weight their options we normally go by what sounds good. The sad thing about it is that there is not that many honest people left. I guess what humanity is worried about is getting over on each other. Where do we find people with ethics? Do we find it in our families? Can we trust our families enough to believe what they tell us? Or do we live our lives giving people a trial period that would confirm what they have mentioned to us? I think it’s too much mind power wasted. Having to think and find it inside of you to trust or believe someone.
I learned to live my life by my instincts. Believe it or not we all have a self-conscious. I read a book titled “El Poder De La Mente Subconsciente” by Joseph Murphy. In this book it teaches how to relax the mind and exercise the self-conscious. By doing so, you will make the right decisions in life. I use my self conscious to weave away the lies and deceitful people around me. 
A good example was when I went out to purchase a watch. I was all day shopping and didn’t want to spend a lot of money. So I bumped into a street watch sales person. He had the sales pitch, and the watch I wanted. So I just paid attention to him. At first I approached him with my eye brows raised. When he noticed that I was paying attention to him speak, the sales pitch got better. Once I lowered my eyebrows. He realized that I was on to his scheme. I just smiled. Eventually he just walked away. I owe that all to my self-conscious.  I’m glad to say, “I know the truth, So Don’t Bother Me With Facts”.   

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