Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog 2

  • What did you get from thinking about annotations with the class? 
  • What did you get from writing annotations for "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" with your partner?
  • What did you learn about the reading by annotating it?
  • How may annotating make you a better writer?

The advanrtage of annotating with the class made realize the diffrent point of view each student has. I was also able to disect each paragraph and really bring out other ideas by difineing certain words like; imaginable, attentive,concentration, and thoughts. All these words relate to the brain.

A good point that I was able to notice about my partner and I is that I also think that Google Is making us shallow. But to my partner google is actually a way of living. Meaning In order for her to concentrate she needs to be bombarded with info. I guess the new era we live in.

What I learned with Jennifer was that most of the information she annotated could relate to my annotating.
So we basically picked out and had the same point of view

When I first went through the passage i didnt fully understood what the article was about. After i took the time to annotate, I understood the actual study and mind set of Kelly Garret and Erik Nisbet

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